{client_first_name} {client_last_name}
To Whom It May Concern,
This letter is a respond to your accusation that my previous request you received with my information included, was not from me. Although I appreciate your efforts and commitment in protecting the privacy security of my data, I do not appreciate your failure to respond to my request by investigating my request within a timely manner as outlined in the FCRA section 611(a)(1) subsections A, B, and C.
I do not know what made you assume the request was not from me considering all the information required to validate and initiate a request was included; Nonetheless, I am sending you a copy of the letter you sent me along with my previous letter which outlines my request. I expect you to investigate and complete your investigation procedures within 30 days of your initial retrieval of my request as according to the Fair Credit Reporting Act section 611(a) Reinvestigations of Disputed Information; which requires you to conduct a reasonable investigation to determine whether the disputed information is inaccurate and record the current status of the disputed information, or delete the item from the file before the end of the 30-day period beginning on the date in which you received the notice of dispute from consumer; which was in fact was no later than (DATE STALL LETTER WAS ISSUED), the date your letter was issued assuming my request was invalid for no apparent reason, because you never included your reasoning why it appeared my request was not from me.
Therefore, I expect this investigation to be completed no later than 30 days from (DATE LETTER ISSUED) which gives your agency a deadline of (30 DAYS AFTER LETTER ISSUED). Keep in mind that section 611(1)(C) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act Limits you on an extension period of 15 days to reinvestigate UNLESS the information that is subject of the reinvestigation is found to be accurate or incomplete or your agency determines the information cannot be verified. According to your letter request, that was NOT the case, the case was you failing to process my request because it appeared the request was not from me (for no apparent reason) not because the information was verified as accurate, so you are required to adhere to the 30-day period as outlined in the FCRA. I expect to receive notice of any notice of determination within 5 business days after making such determination as outlined in the FCRA section 611(3)(A).