Do It Yourself Credit Repair

Join our credit experts LIVE as we assist you with rebuilding your credit in real-time.  This is perfect for the DIY person who wants to save money.  On average it can take 3-6 months to repair your credit according to Rocket Lawyer.  That’s $387 – 524 using our program.  Or you can join us for this LIVE training for only $99.  Get all of your questions asked AND get the actual letters that we use.

During this training, you will get a copy of your credit report, understand what is on it and how to dispute it, and create your calendar for check-ins.

We’ll then answer any questions you may have about how to get started with your disputes.  We will give you all of the mailing addresses to the credit bureaus AND show you where to find other important addresses and phone numbers.

We’ll give you the EXACT letters that we use for our clients and give you tips on how to make sure your dispute doesn’t get delayed due to missing information.

MOST importantly we will be your accountability partner – we’ll send text and email reminders when it is time for you to follow up.

Do not wait another day – the time to rebuild your credit is NOW. The opportunity to do it yourself with expert guidance is happening NOW.

How it works:
1.  Register for the training

2. Complete your prework and receive your credit audit. Don’t worry we’ll send instructions!

3.  Bring your report to class!


  1. What is the DIY Live Credit Repair Training? This is a live, interactive training session where our credit experts will guide you through the process of repairing your credit. You’ll learn how to read your credit report, dispute errors, and follow up on disputes.

  2. Who is this course for? This course is perfect for anyone who wants to repair their credit and save money. If you’re a DIY person who prefers to take control of your financial future, this course is for you.

  3. How much does the course cost? Full-service credit repair can usually cost $387 – $524, and our DIY course is only $99.

  4. What will I get from this course? You’ll receive a copy of your credit report, learn how to understand it, and how to dispute any errors. We’ll also provide you with the exact letters we use for our clients, the mailing addresses of credit bureaus, and tips to ensure your dispute doesn’t get delayed.

  5. How long is the course? This course is designed to be comprehensive and interactive, giving you ample time to ask questions and understand the process.  We expect it to last 90 minutes.

  6. What if I can’t attend the live session? We recommend attending the live session for the best learning experience. However, if you can’t make it, we’ll provide a recording that you can watch at your convenience.

  7. What do I need to prepare for the course?  We’ll provide all the necessary materials and information.  Check your email soon for access to the tools required for you to complete your registration.

  8. How do I register for the course? You can register for the course through our website. If you have any issues with registration, please contact our customer service team at 407-888-3868.

  9. What if I have questions after the course? We’re here to support you even after the course. You can reach out to us with any questions or concerns, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

  10. What makes this course different from other credit repair courses? This course is unique because it’s live and interactive. You’ll get real-time guidance from our credit experts and the opportunity to ask questions. Plus, we’ll be your accountability partner, sending you reminders when it’s time to follow up on your disputes.